We can offer you 2 solutions for the SJC service you purchased.
Refund for the remaining service time.
Refund formula is Actual Payment Amount * (Remaining Service Time / Billing Cycle(days))
Refund can be made to DMIT account or payment gateway, if you choose payment gateway, transaction fee will be deducted (charged by payment gateway)
** Orders older than 6 months cannot be refunded to the payment gateway due to the payment gateway’s transaction restrictions.**
If your service participates in “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” or “Buy 2 Get 1 Free”, then requesting a refund will cancel the complimentary service as well.
** If the complimentary service is not in your current account, it is not eligible for a refund.**
If your service was migrated from LAX Lite, only the renewal fees incurred after the migration will be refunded.
All AFF commissions incurred will be removed with the refund.
Keep your service and get HKG EB & LAX Pro discounts
By keeping your service, you can get a 50% discount on the HKG EB series or a 30% discount on the LAX Pro series (either one).
The discounted monthly cost cannot be less than the current monthly cost of the service.
Discounts are limited to current accounts and can only be earned once per SJC service.
Discounts are for new orders only and will be placed by staff.
The above solution is limited to orders for SJC services that were purchased earlier than 05:00 UTC on May 5, 2023.