请问我的nacknerd vps是否被tcp阻断?谢谢。
Racknerd 圣何塞机房,买来IP就是一个被墙IP,72小时内换了同IP段另外一个IP,搭建vmess+ws或者reality搭建梯子可以正常用。几天后梯子无法使用。
TCP测试:22端口国内外全绿,connection to x.x.x.x:22 successful;其余任何一个端口,国内外全红,例如:connection to x.x.x.x:80 failed。
PING测试,国外除Turkey有少量丢包,其余丢包率都是0;国内10个测试站点,有3个站点有严重丢包,丢包率分别是100% 30% 25%。
Upon reviewing, your server IP address is pinging fine, globally, and we can be able to access your server without any issues at all. There are a few percentages of packet loss in China that cannot be controlled. Alternatively, you can try using a different local ISP or internet connection.