搬瓦工,全名 Bandwagonhost,和 Just My Socks 是一家。他们家似乎有很充足的 IP 资源,以至于 JMS 上的 IP 可以做到封一个就换一个。现在 Bandwagonhost 上也推出了一个售卖免费更换 IP 的限量 VPS 套餐,叫做 FREEDOM PLAN。
Freedom Plan 自由计划
GFW is evolving. More and more protocols are detected and blocked, either on port level or IP level. And, sometimes, even a totally innocent project can trigger a ban.
GFW 正在不断发展。越来越多的协议在端口级别或 IP 级别被检测和阻止。有时,即使是一个完全无辜的项目也可能引发禁令。
It is very frustrating; one morning you wake up to your project being completely walled off and unavailable in China.
IP changes are generally either impossible (short of cancelling and ordering a new service), or costly. The alternative is to wait for the ban to be lifted, which can take weeks to months... It is a major pain, and no one wants that.
IP 更改通常要么不可能(除非取消并订购新服务),要么成本高昂。另一种选择是等待禁令解除,这可能需要几周到几个月的时间……这是一个巨大的痛苦,没有人愿意这样。
We cannot fight government filtering, but, we thought, WHAT IF.....
What if we can offer you piece of mind in some other way? What if we offer a special plan? A plan which offers freedom, to the best extent possible!
Now, for a very limited time, you can get our FREEDOM Plan, which includes FREE IP CHANGES, subject to the terms outlined below.
现在,您可以在非常有限的时间内获得我们的自由计划,其中包括免费 IP 更改,但须遵守下述条款。
Unique for the Freedom Plan:
+ Extended 30–day money back guarantee — even if your IP is banned!
+ 延长 30 天退款保证 - 即使您的 IP 被禁止!`
年付 89 美金,可以使用优惠码:BWHNCXNVXV
VPS 的配置和如下:
SSD: 40 GB RAID-10
固态硬盘:40 GB RAID-10
RAM: 2 GB 内存:2 GB
CPU: 2 cores CPU:2核
Monthly Data Transfer: 2000 GB
每月数据传输:2000 GB
Link Speed: 2.5 Gbps
链接速度:2.5 Gbps
Datacenter: Los Angeles USCA_2/Coresite
数据中心:洛杉矶 USCA_2/Coresite
X-UI 一键部署命令:bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FranzKafkaYu/x-ui/956bf85bbac978d56c0e319c5fac2d6db7df9564/install.sh)