wget -qO- 1keydd.com/inst.sh | bash
最后20s时,提示you can press control c to interrupt
✔ Checking deps: ...... [ some deps not found,auto install ]
✔ Selecting Mirrors and Targets: ...... [ ]
✔ Retrieving kernel and initrfs: ...... [ vmlinuz,ok!! ][ tdlcore.tar.gz,ok!! ]
✔ Save and set the netcfg: ...... [ auto dhcp mode ][,, ]
✔ Remastering grub: ...... [ found at line: 137 ][ found at dir: /boot ]
✔ Remastering kernel and initrfs: ...... [ done. ]
✔ Provisioning /preseed: ....... [ single eth: use enp0s5 ][ single hd: use sda ]
✔ Copying vmlinuz to the target: ...... [ done. ]
✔ Packaging initrfs to the target: ..... [ done. ]
✔ Prepare grub-reboot for 1 ......
✔ All done! rebooting after 20s: ...... [ you can press control c to interrupt to do a dryrun ][ or wait just 20s till reboots and the ddprocess happen, you can then try below for progressview logviews and dignosisviews: ]
1. open and refresh http://publicIPofthisserver
2. connect to sshd@publicIPofthisserver using no passwords
[ aborting by user, restoring grub ]root@debian-gnu-linux-10-vm:~/Documents#
可按下ctl c,删除写入的grub信息。不会继续dd,如上是我15s时取消
比如你的机器是多硬盘,多网卡,看到脚本自动选择的硬盘和网卡不对时, ✔ Provisioning /preseed: ……. [ single eth: use enp0s5 ][ single hd: use sda ]